Friday, February 10, 2017

3. Why Not

Soon enough, revelation and blessings poured upon me. Two initial opportunities came to me, one of which hired me 2 days later. My soul was at peace for the weekend and following week. I felt content. Burdened still, maybe, but content. Trusting. Hopeful. The second opportunity came in the form of a future asset, and a third was introduced to bring me experience for my major. A spiritual experience spurred me to apply for a church job. My current employer seems to have had a change of heart, and I may be able to stay for at least a few more months. Again, I asked why. Why did this happen if not much changed at the end of the week? Why did I go through stress and extended effort to end up with what I already had? Why? Turns out the better question I should have been asking was: why not? Why not force me to expand my horizons that I was blinded to? Why not test my faith and trust in the Lord and rely on His counsel? Why not refine me through trial while blessing me in abundance through a better understanding of my worth as an employee? Why not be a counselor for youth in the church who may need my very testimony to start theirs? Why not pray for more experiences like these, to edify and refine myself to the very disciple the Lord needs me to be?

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