Monday, April 10, 2017

13. A Piece of Paper

Three years ago I received a package with a piece of paper that would change my life. It would be a paper outlining the next two years of my life; it would be a paper signed by God's living prophet; it would be a paper that would bring me more joy than I had ever previously known. What I didn't know, was that it would be a paper that would teach me how to love; it would be a paper that would lead my heart away to far lands, never again to return in one piece; it would be a paper that brings a tear to my eye as I think about its significance this day. Words cannot describe my love and adoration for the people and lands of Belgium and the Netherlands. I know I talk about it all the time, even more than once in this blog, but that is just how much my time there impacted my life and character.
I still remember how I felt reading my call out loud. I remember catching a glance at the slash in "Belgium/Netherlands" with the instant thought that I would be going somewhere like the Federated States of Genovia or what not. As I read it, it just felt right. I had always wanted to go to Europe. I knew where Belgium and the Netherlands were on a map, but I didn't know the difference between the Netherlands, Holland, and Denmark. Today, I'd consider it a grave mistake if I were to mix them up like that. I left my heart in those countries and with it, I gained an understanding that I would never get it all back in one place again.

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