Wednesday, April 12, 2017

17. Expectations for General Conference

Leading up to General Conference, I didn't have a specific question or topic that I wanted answers to. The only thing that really crossed my mind was that I wanted to find a way to make more spiritual goals that will keep myself accountable for them. I didn't know how an answer to that was going to come, but I kept it in mind just in case.

Because of the job I have, I must work every Saturday for at least 5 hours weekly. I wasn't able to watch the two latter sessions of conference live, but I was grateful to be able to watch the first session Saturday morning. Just before the session started, I thought about the past 6 months and things that I had done to adhere to prophetic counsel since the last conference in October. I also thought about everything that has happened in the world since the last conference we had. I realized that much had taken place, with the pinnacle being the election for President of the United States last November. Having that in mind, I was able to better understand a few talks that addressed the world and promoted equality, love, and charity.

I was also interested (as anyone else was) in the well-being of President Monson. I had heard that he wasn't able to attend the General Women's Session and was concerned for his health and attendance in the Conference. For him to be there and speak in the manner he did proved to be a miracle and the spirit felt from his prophetic words were incomparable.

Lastly, I expected to hear about tolerance and love. Every conference has a central theme that has to do with discipleship and becoming more pure saints, mostly by way of increased love. Stories of charity and love always touch my heart and reteach me that there is no law superior to loving one another. Considering things the world is going through now and how people have been dealing with each other, an increased focus on love is not only necessary but crucial to remedy sour feelings between mankind. My expectations were not disappointed as I watched and heard General Conference.

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