Monday, March 6, 2017

11. Family Separation - Research Paper

The topic I have chosen for my research paper is the issue of family separation due to immigration. I've read multiple sources on the topic and have found more than enough information and discussion about it. Personally, I have a strong Swedish line of ancestors that were split up as they journeyed from their mountain home in Scandinavia to Zion in Utah Valley. Reading that story provided me with the initial spark of interest as to why I am researching this topic more for my paper.
I've come to two major components that I intend to further research to expand my knowledge. They are the public policies that keep families from reuniting across imaginary borders and the likelihood of family disintegration caused by a parent's departure that almost always is done for the best interest of the family unit. It is incredibly interesting and inspiring to me to see these people, often of much less fortunate circumstances, embark on such a perilous journey for the betterment and love of their children. I want to know more about it and deeply understand the motives and feelings of love behind each individual case and decision.
This issue is a major controversy currently and I hope that by researching and gaining added knowledge I will be able to better sympathize and act on behalf of these families. At least, I hope to enlighten my perspective about it. My own sister is adopted from China and has never known her biological family. Although she is well loved and provided for with us, I know as she grows older that she will question the motives behind her parents' decision to leave her for adoption. This issue appeals to me indirectly but in multiple manners, which draws me to learn even more about it.
Luckily, there has been much discussion about it in the past decade which allows me to gain insight on a wide range of opinions and cases. I haven't had to alter my topic at all and have been able to reform my thesis to narrowly address the components of my argument that I see to be most important.

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