Friday, January 27, 2017

1. The Power of Impulsivity

At some point in every man's life, he wonders if he is truly living up to his potential. This leads to many spur-of-the-moment decisions, most common in the form of a mid-life crisis. As with almost every thing, there is a level of moderation to be taken with impulse. Playing it too safe won't satisfy your hunger for risk and playing too risky won't secure your safety. Now try to relate this to changing the sphere within your family. Is your family atmosphere a cookie-cutter structure that society has crafted and you've created? Or is it unconventional and unique like the name it bears? What sets you apart from the neighbors next door? Maybe it's time you corral that impulse for new toys or looks into a refurbished idea of family. The stories we tell and memories we share bind us together, as the article by Bruce Feiler states, and each is able to thrive on impulse and security together as time ages its name and reputation.